Sunday, November 30, 2014

Make a Christmas Wreath

Okay, so this isn't about nature or gardening, but hey, it's the holidays.  Here is an easy, colorful wreath you can make using about 8 sleeves of unbreakable (plastic) ornaments from the dollar store, a wire clothes hanger, pliers and some ribbon. 

Bend your wire  hanger into a circle.

Thread your ornaments onto the wire.

You may use all one size or vary sizes.

Make sure to fill all the spaces so your wreath can be seen from the front or back.

Thread them closely and make your wreath full. Fill up your circle.

Connect the 2 ends of your wreath.  Form a loop to hang it.  Add a ribbon and you're finished..

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Need for Bees

                Say goodbye to bees, and menu planning becomes much easier.  Without bees, you would lose apples, almonds, blueberries, cherries, avocados, onions, cucumbers, pumpkins, citrus fruit, melons, beets, broccoli, cauliflower and much more from your diet.  Bees are the primary pollinators of many of the foods we eat. 
                Honey bees play an important role in crop pollination.  However, Colony Collapse Disorder has wiped out 40 percent of honey bee colonies in recent years.  At the same time, growers are beginning to recognize the important role of mason bees in pollination.  Mason bees differ from honey bees in several ways. 
                                                                         Honey Bees
                Honey bees were introduced to America by early Europeans.  They are social bees, with thousands living in a single hive, which also makes them more susceptible to disease and predation.
                Honey bees are fascinating insects.  A hive consists of a queen, drones and workers.  The workers are female bees.  They clean the hive, forage for food and provide guard duty. They feed the larvae pollen and royal jelly, a substance they produce from a gland in their heads.  Bees make honey from nectar and store it for use when food supplies are scarce.  Drones are male bees.  Their only job is to mate with the queen.  Worker bees even feed the drone bees. Workers can sting but drones cannot.
                There is a single queen bee for each hive.  As the hive’s only fertile female, the queen’s primary job is to lay eggs.  A queen is created by worker bees that feed a chosen larva a steady diet consisting exclusively of royal jelly and no pollen. This larva grows into a queen.  As an adult, the queen bee mates with drone bees.  The queen reserves sperm in a special sac and as she lays eggs, up to 2,000 in a day, she determines which eggs she will fertilize.  Unfertilized eggs produce male drones and fertilized eggs produce female worker bees. 
                                                                           Mason Bees

                Mason bees, also called orchard bees, are smaller than honey bees. Native to America, these bees are solitary rather than social.  Unlike honey bees, all female mason bees are fertile and can lay eggs.  Mason bees cannot excavate wood so they are not a threat to homeowners.  They look for tube-like holes made by other insects or woodpeckers, or use hollow twigs for nesting.  The female gathers pollen and nectar to create a food supply to fill a cell before she inserts an egg and then seals the cell shut with mud.  Next she makes another cell next to the previous one until the tube is filled.  Eggs in the back of the tube become female mason bees while eggs near the front become males.    
                When an egg hatches, the larva feeds on the supply of food in the cell, then spins a cocoon and pupates. When the adult is finally formed, it will stay dormant and wait for warm spring weather before emerging from the cell.
                There are many kinds of mason bees and all of them benefit the garden.  Very effective as pollinators, two or three females can pollinate an entire apple tree! Females remain near the nest, and only forage within a 100 yard range.  Only the female has a stinger but mason bees are considered very gentle and only sting if physically provoked. 


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Potter Wasps and the Tomb of Gloom


Anyone who has ever tried making pottery realizes it isn’t easy to create a uniform clay pot.  Imagine trying to create pottery without using your hands and you will have to marvel at the ability of a small insect to perform such a task. 

            If you have ever seen dried mud shaped like a rounded pottery jug attached to a branch of a plant or under an eave, you have seen the brood cell of the aptly named Potter Wasp (Eumenes fraternus) .  The pots are about an inch wide. After creating the mud pot, the female wasp then fills the nest with food  before laying a single egg inside and then sealing the opening shut.  In order to provide a fresh food source for the wasp larva that will eventually emerge from the egg, the female wasp paralyzes but doesn’t kill several small insects or caterpillars that she seals inside the pot.  Small green inch worms are often the target prey.  After the larva develops, it emerges from the clay brood cell as an adult wasp.

          Adults are solitary wasps and are considered beneficial for their role in helping to control caterpillars in the garden.  Adult potter wasps feed on nectar, such as the one below, spotted on a flowering dill plant. 

Amaryllis Bulbs for the Holidays

One of the many great things about the holiday season is the abundance of Amaryllis bulbs available.    No matter how cold it is outside, you can get in touch with your inner gardener with the giant, exotic blooms of Amaryllis flowers.  Rarely in gardening does such a small amount of effort yield such dramatic results. 

Bulbs are available singly or in kits that contain a growing medium, pot, bulb and instructions.  I usually buy boxed kits and buy lots of them.  The kit bulbs generally bloom as profusely as more expensive bulbs.  To make a bold statement using Amaryllis flowers, place two or three potted bulbs in a large container such as an oblong wicker basket or a decorative ceramic or metal container. Cover the soil with Spanish moss.  You can even add a colorful bow.  Or, buy several bulbs and stagger the planting schedule over a period of weeks.  That way you can keep your favorite ceramic pot filled with blooms throughout the holiday season.  When potting the bulb, insert a thin bamboo stake alongside it so that once the plant gets tall, you can stake the stem with raffia or ribbon for support if needed. 

Potted bulbs make great gifts for the elderly who don’t need another doodad in a small apartment.  Older people and nursing home residents enjoy watching the plant grow as much as they enjoy the flowers.  The blooms last for weeks and once they finish, the plant can simply be thrown away, or you may keep it and try to get it to re-bloom next year.  Amaryllis flowers are great gifts before or after the holidays.  After the holidays, bulb prices are usually reduced and the bright “Red Lion” amaryllis makes a lovely Valentine’s gift.  Pot it in January and it should be near bloom by Valentine’s for a floral gift that is fresher and far more dramatic than the usual red roses that have traveled by plane from South America.  If you buy boxed kits after the holidays, look inside to make sure the bulb hasn’t already sprouted or flowered inside the box.

Amaryllis plants are tropical but have been hybridized by Dutch growers for many years.  Colors range from white to pink to red, with numerous variations in between. 
People often ask about getting a plant to boom a second time.  It is not difficult.  Here are instructions for next year’s bloom.
How To Re-Bloom an Amaryllis Bulb:
  • Cut back the flower stalk after blooming, but allow the leaves to grow.  You may place your plant outdoors for summer in partial shade.
  • Keep watered so that the soil is moist, but not wet.  You may fertilize it during summer months.
  • Stop fertilizing in August. Reduce watering gradually and stop watering after three weeks.
  • When it is time to bring plants indoors in September or early October, move your Amaryllis to a cool (55 to 60 degrees F), dark, dry place for six to eight weeks.  The plant needs this dormant rest period in order to re-bloom.  The foliage will likely turn yellow and die back.
  • In November or later, move the pot to a warm, bright area and resume watering.  Do not repot since the plant likes to be somewhat pot bound. Be patient.  The plant should produce a green bud and eventually flower in about six weeks.

Three bulbs re-bloomed a year later.

These flowers came from a single bulb.



Tuesday, November 11, 2014

An Autumn Walk at Pawleys Island

I took a walk with my camera on a recent November day in the South Carolina low country.  The air was warm and sunny, and fragrant with salt and pluff mud.  Nature was in her autumn finery.  The cypress trees were golden but the magnificent live oaks wore their permanent green.  Sweet gums and black gums were scarlet.  Spanish moss waved in a gentle breeze.  Here are a few treasures I found.
A Snowy Egret catching shrimp - Yum!

A Yellow Rat Snake

On a cool morning he moved slowly 
Fiddler Crabs feeding at low tide
Black Gum - Nyssa sylvatica, also called tupelo and birds love the fruit

Common Grackle - the yellow eye makes him look serious.

Gulf Fritillary - Agraulis vanillae

Incoming...A Wood Stork

A juvenile White Ibis will turn white upon maturation
A White Ibis ("old blue eyes" himself)

Beauty Berries - Callicarpa americana
A Great Egret

A Yellow-Rumped Warbler...bath time!
An American Alligator - Thank goodness hunting season is over!
A basking slider - enjoying a good stretch, all the way down to his toes!
Seemed like someone was watching me...indeed, a Carolina Anole-Anolis carolinensis
A Camelia sasanqua - occupied
A rather vocal Black-Crowned Night-Heron

A Painted Lady -Vanessa cardui


Monday, November 10, 2014

Dead Wood Beneficial for Skinks

Having a pristine yard looks nice but is less beneficial to wildlife than a more natural environment.  Consider yourself fortunate if you happen to have a tree stump or a few rotting logs in your yard, because that is the ideal habitat for one of Virginia’s common lizards – the Southeastern Five-lined Skink (Plestiodon inexpectatus).  Skinks are beneficial to have around because they eat spiders, slugs, moths, crickets, beetles, grasshoppers and many other insects.   

Skinks burrow during winter months and emerge in warm weather.  Mating occurs in May.  In June and July, the female lays eggs under rotting logs or tree bark.   She then stays with the eggs to guard them until they hatch.   The eggs are about the size of small bird eggs. 

The skink’s appearance changes throughout its life cycle.  Newly hatched skinks are about 2 inches long and have bright blue tails.  The bright color focuses attention away from the body so if it is attacked by a predator, it can shed its tail and escape. The blue tail fades once a skink matures.  Adult skinks grow up to eight inches long.  They are black or brown and have five long stripes running lengthwise.  As males mature, the stripes fade and they develop a reddish head. 

Skinks are active during the day and hide at night. Predators include hawks, fox, opossums, raccoons and snakes. 

A newly hatched skink.

A clutch of skink eggs, with one beginning to hatch.