Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Name that Bug

Question Mark butterlies can be identified by the tiny white backwards question mark on their hind wing.
 Millipede Apheloria virginiensis -- feeds on rotting vegetation. It should not be handled since it can exude cyanide as a defense mechanism.
Eyed Click Beetle Alaus oculatus.  When overturned, it makes a clicking sound as it flips itself over.  The large fake eye spots are a defense. Click beetles are harmless.

Crane Fly -- a fly, not a mosquito.  Contrary to popular belief, they do not eat mosquitos.  They only live a few days.
Wolf spider with egg sac. After laying eggs, the female wraps them in silk and carries them with her. Once they hatch, they climb aboard mom's back and she carries them for several days. 
White Tussock Moth Caterpillars feed on a variety of tree leaves.
Fishfly Chauliodes pectinicornis. Females lay eggs on plants over streams and the larvae fall into the water once they hatch. Unlike the adults which only live about a week on land, the larvae live in water for several years, feeding on insects and vegetation before pupating on land.