Friday, April 5, 2019

Cherry Blossoms

If you can't get to Washington, D.C. to see the cherry blossoms, a trip to Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens is a nice alternative. 

More Wildflowers in Bloom

Now is a great time for a walk in the woods.  Wooded areas, state parks and especially parks near a river are good sites for hunting wildflowers.
Shuttleworth Ginger, Hexastylis shuttleworthii, is identified by the heart shaped leaves. 

The ginger flowers are hidden beneath the leaves, a perfect invitation for crawling pollinators.

Dutchman's Breeches, Dicentra cucullaria, is in the Bleeding Heart Family

Leaves of the Putttyroot Orchid, Apelctrum hyemale. Each plant has only one leaf that is present all winter and disappears when the orchid blooms in summer, making it very difficult to find the raceme of tiny flowers.  The name was derived from a paste made from the corm which was once used to repair crockery.