Poison or Not?
the word “snake” and many people immediately think of poisonous snakes. In Virginia, there are 30 species of snakes,
but only three of them are poisonous: Copperheads, Cottonmouths, and Rattlers.
The Northern Copperhead is the only poisonous snake found throughout
Virginia. Eastern Cottonmouths, or water
moccasins, are usually only found in the southeastern part of the state, not as
far west as Richmond. There are several
common water snakes in our area, but none are poisonous. Timber rattlesnakes are typically only found
in the far western part of the state. Looking
at the snake population another way – there are 27 species of harmless snakes found
in Virginia.
are reptiles, meaning they are cold-blooded.
They need to warm in the sun to stay active and must hibernate in the
winter. Most snakes lay eggs but some,
such as garter snakes, give birth to live young. A snake’s skin is covered in scales. Snakes have many vertebrae and rib bones,
making them very flexible. Snakes test
the air by “smelling” with their tongues to detect chemical particles. They have internal ears rather than external
ears, but sense vibrations through their jawbones. They have no eyelids. A flexible lower jaw enables a snake to open
wide and swallow its prey whole.
Predators and Prey
are carnivores and eat insects, frogs, birds, small mammals, rodents, fish,
lizards and more. Snakes are good
climbers, and can climb a tree to eat bird eggs. Snakes, also part of the food chain, are eaten by large birds, coyotes and even skunks
and raccoons. However their biggest
threat is loss of habitat due to overdevelopment.
What to do
If you
see a snake in your yard, keep your distance and avoid it. Never pick up a snake, even a harmless one
can still bite. Rest assured the snake
is eating bugs, slugs, mice, moles and unwanted pests around your house. It is unfortunate that many fearful people
think that “the only good snake is a dead snake,” and aggressively kill
harmless snakes. It is actually illegal to kill a snake in Virginia, “unless
it presents an imminent threat to one’s health and safety,” according to the
Virginia Cooperative Extension at Virginia Tech. Snakes are protected under state nongame
Snake Quiz
Test your knowledge.
Following is a list of true/false
questions about snakes.
1. A
snake can smell with its tongue.
2. Snakes
are reptiles.
3. Snakes
cannot climb trees because they have no legs.
4. Snakes
are flexible because they have no real bones.
5. Snakes
are warm blooded.
6. Snakes
eat rodents, fish, frogs and lizards.
7. Snakes
migrate in the winter.
8. All
snakes lay eggs.
9. Only
poisonous snakes can bite.
10. Snakes
eat eggs, insects and birds.
11. Some
birds eat snakes.
12. In
Virginia it is against the law to kill snakes.
13. Coyotes
and raccoons eat snakes.
14. There
are no Copperheads in Richmond.
15. Snakes
swallow their food whole.
16. Predators
are the biggest threat to snakes.
17. Water
moccasins can be found in the creeks and rivers in Richmond.
18. Garter
snakes give birth to live snakes.
19. There
is only one kind of rattlesnake found in Richmond.
20. Snakes
are omnivores.
21. Snakes
have small external ears.
22. Snakes
don’t have eyelids.
Answers: 1 T, 2 T, 3 F, 4
F, 5 F, 6 T, 7
F, 8 F, 9 F, 10
T, 11 T, 12 T, 13
T, 14 F,
15 T, 16 F, 17 F,
18 T, 19 F, 20 F, 21 F,
22 T
Snakes are very good climbers. |